I'm not really sure what I was doing or how I did life without you. I've known you since the 7th grade, and I'm forever thankful for all the silent lunches we had to endure together because we couldn't stop laughing during homeroom. You've been my backbone and main source of laughter for the last seven years, and I don't know what I would ever do without you. I've had lots of best friends, but you have been my main bestie for as long as I can remember, so thanks for being awesome.
I'm thankful for all the times you've let me cry to you about some boy breaking my heart, the 1 a.m. cookout runs, and long drives singing at the top of our lungs to every song that came on the radio. Thank you for all the texts on bad days, and the reminders that I always have you when I think I have no one. Thank you for always being my Walmart buddy and walking with me to the park. You've become more than my best friend, but my sister, future maid of honor, my bad influence on some days and good influence on others. I would hate to ever live/see a life that you're not in because my life has been so much better since you've been in it. Thank you for always being the sister that I got to grow up with since I didn't get to grow up with my own, and for always making sure I'm okay. Thank you for helping shape and mold me into the person I am today because without you, I wouldn't be half the person I am. You inspire me everyday with how strong and independent you are, and I'm so proud of everything you are and will accomplish.
I have never met a person that complains and argues more than you do, but I wouldn't want you any other way. I can always count on you to hate the same people I hate, or be annoyed with the same things I'm annoyed about. I can always count on you for screenshots, and "why am I like this?" texts because we're always thinking the same thing. *Insert go best friend that's my best friend lyrics* I can always count on you to go eat with me, and do stupid things with me and I'm so thankful for a friend like you. How we haven't gotten into any trouble yet is beyond me (except for an earlier curfew that one time) but nothing too serious.
Thanks for always being one call or text away. You are the best friend I could ever have and I'm so thankful I met you in homeroom seven years ago. I love you lots, and miss you more than ever.