A few months ago my dad’s best friend passed. She had been struggling with breast cancer for a long time. Her funeral was the other day. While her husband was giving the obituary, he spent a long time discussing Margo’s relationship with my dad.
He was referred to as her “BMF” best male friend. While I was a bit confused with the terminology, I began to understand why male friends are categorized completely different that female friends. They serve different purposes.
As I was sitting at the funeral that day, I saw how impactful having a positive relationship with a person from the opposite gender in a platonic way is. I know that in a lot of these types of situations one person begins to develop feelings for the other, but I am happy to say I have BMF and I am so incredibly honored.
In my journey of preparing for college and saying all my goodbyes and appreciation to the people in my life, BMF, this one’s for you.
Dear BMF,
Thank you for being my friend. To be honest I’m not sure why you still are since you know all of my crazy quirks and insecurities, but I am forever grateful that you have looked past those and maybe even appreciated them.
Thank you for being honest of whether things look good when I go shopping. Thank you for telling me my butt looks too small or I can’t pull of that shirt. My Halloween 2015 outfit would have been a disaster without you.
Thank you for teaching me how to talk to boys. I would have completely embarrassed myself on multiple occasions if you didn’t take my phone and refuse to give it back until I agreed not to send certain texts. I’m sure those boys I was texting appreciated it too.
Thank you for being a person to talk to. Thank you for listening to all of my girl drama and giving me a new perspective. Thank you for not judging what I do and not letting it change your opinion of me.
Thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone. I’m pretty sure you convinced me to write for the Odyssey and look where that ended up, pretty well if I do say so myself.
Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for dropping everything and coming over to
my house when things got bad and giving me a hug and telling me its okay. I hope one day I can repay the favors to you.
Thank you for being a person to laugh with. Not many people can bring me to tears laughing, but you can and I love it. Nor can many people make traumatic date experiences things to laugh about.
Thank you for not only positively impacting my life but my family’s as well. My little sisters now know who to not be friends with in high school and how to dance at parties.
Thank you for turning into family. Most people don’t do and I would say that is an accomplishment on its own.
Much Love,