To My Best Friends,
There comes a time when we step back and evaluate the people in our life. I'm going to brag a little and say that I have some pretty amazing people in mine. As cliche as it sounds, I wouldn't be who I am today without my friends and family. No matter where we are in the world or how often we see one another, my best friends are always there, and there's not enough time in the world to tell you how grateful I am for the two of you.
Unlike some who regret reflecting on their time in high school, when I look back, all I remember are the good times that we had. I can't remember a time that we weren't all together, and frankly I wouldn't want to. Of course, we've had our ups and downs through the years, but we all know that none of us is going anywhere. The more that I write, the more this starts to become a love letter to the two of you, and while I know you'll laugh because you both aren't as mushy as me, I want you to know that I do love you both. You two aren't just my best friends, you're my family.
When we all left for our freshman year of college two years ago, I was scared that we would slowly grow a part and eventually lose our friendship. To my surprise, it was the exact opposite. Every time we came home for the winter and summer break, we spent every minute we possibly could with each other. Laughing as if we hadn't just spent months apart. While we all had made friends at our new schools, nothing compared to being with the people who you spent your high school years with.
I wanted to tell you both thank you. You both have been there for me through some pretty difficult times, and continue to do so even if were hundreds of miles apart. If it wasn't for you two, I wouldn't have had the courage to do half the things I've done. Both of you have given me some of the best memories, and without you my world would be a lot less colorful. While we continue to grow up and start acting like adults (even though we have no idea what the heck we're doing) I know I'll always have you guys. I can't wait for the adventures we have yet to take, and the incredible memories that we're going to make. They say that your home is where your heart is and in the words of the incredible Ed Sheeran "...these people raised me, and I can't wait to go home."
I love you guys.