Now that my freshman year has finally come to a close, it seems fitting to thank the girls that made my second semester of college an unforgettable one.
The fact that a few months ago, I barely knew these nine incredible girls is mind boggling to me. How did I go through first semester without you guys? How did I not go out with you guys every weekend first semester? How did I make it through without borrowing all of your clothes? So many questions are running through my mind right now.
It is so amazing how one event can give you your best friends. Thank You Alpha Omicron Pi for taking all of us in and bringing us all together. Without you, I wouldn't even know some of these girls I spent everyday with since January.
From walking to and from south halls basically everyday to running to each others dorms before a night out to borrow clothes. From Super Bowl parties and movie dates to late nights with Findlay yogurt and so much more. I am going to miss that so much.
We may not live that far from each other, but going from seeing you all everyday and being just a short walk away in East to now looking at Snap aps and seeing us all spread out, I have tears welling up in my eyes.
I am sure anyone reading this that knows they have already made that group of friends for life can agree with me that leaving college for summer and leaving behind all of the memories and experiences with "your people" is one of the hardest things you have done.
So, as we all reminisce by sending pictures and videos from the semester to each other, I just keep thinking that this isn't forever and that all of the goodbyes we said this week aren't really goodbyes, they are see you laters.