No one can prepare you for the moment when it’s time for you and your friends to leave each other. The time spent with each other created a bond that can never be broken. Whether it’s having a chill night in watching every single episode of our favorite show together or getting dressed up for a night out on the town. The moment I left to go live three hours away from the people who make me smile each and every day, was much more difficult than I had ever anticipated.
To my best friends back home,
Leaving you all was something I could have never prepared myself for. I never imagined it was possible to miss a group of people I have known for four years so much. The number of memories created in this rollercoaster we call life will be ones that will never be forgotten.
We don’t really need much to be entertained. Just a full tank of gas and someone who has Spotify premium pumping out our favorite tunes.
I miss going all the way to PF Changs in sweatpants just to get take out, laughing at one of our many inside jokes no one else would understand, and taking “candid” pictures at parties. These are memories that make up our friendship. We have been through a lot and I honestly thought that I wouldn’t be able to survive without being 10 minutes away from each and every one of you. But, after my first year as a college freshman, my first year away from all of you, I can honestly say our friendship has only grown stronger.
I now have people to face time when I am feeling down or just need someone to talk to when walking to get Chipotle. I now receive never-ending text messages of events that went on during a night out that make me feel as if I was there too. And of course, my favorite, reunion hugs are the absolute best kind of hugs. Contrary to what I believed at the beginning of the year, nothing has changed.
Although I live 130 miles from you and have made memories with other people, you all will always be in the back of my mind, reminding me to be myself. Our journey together hasn’t ended, it has just started.
A long distance friend