Dear Best Friend,
Even though life is full of ups and downs, you've always made my life so much better. Whenever you notice the slightest change in my voice, you make sure that I'm okay. There isn't a day that goes by without you checking in on all your friends to make sure they all smiled that day. You are constantly putting others before yourself and that's why it's sometimes hard to remember that you also have your own struggles.
It's hard to imagine that someone so confident and seems so happy can be going through so much, but it happens more than we think. I fall guilty as one of the people who just assumes you are having such a good day, when it really could be one of your worst yet. It's my goal to try and be more on top of things so that you don't have to always be put off to the side. That's the whole idea around friendship, being there even when you don't have to and loving them unconditionally.
One of the things that we all need to get better at is being vulnerable with each other. It's so easy to fake a smile especially when you're surrounded by your best friends. We're all constantly afraid we'll ruin someone's mood when we are down or make it seem all about us. This is when we need to realize that friends are there when you need it the most and that it's okay to keep them updated on your life. We want you to be vulnerable with us because we want to do anything in our power to make you happy.
I want to thank you for being so kind to everyone you meet and putting passion behind all that you do. You may not always think so, but we all see how much time and effort you put into school and work. It takes a dedicated person to do as much as you do and we're proud to call you our friend. Even though we have been through a lot together, the good and bad, we always find out way back to each other. I hope that there's nothing that can tear us apart. Not just because you know a lot about me, but because I know how much we care for each other.
Whenever you are down, I hope that you know we're all here for you. Just remember that boys may not be forever, but girl friends are. We will always be your number fan and the people who make you laugh until you cry. We'll be right next to you when you need a shoulder to cry on because of the things life decides to throw at us. We want to know what's going on in your life because we simply care. Never be afraid to tell us things, we'll love you no matter what.
Someone who will always be here for you