To My Best Friend,
It stinks that you are so far away. I wish on a daily basis that you could be at school with me here. That we could take on class, parties, sports games, and everyday life not hundreds of miles away from each other. I know you love school and I love it too, but how crazy would it be if we were at school together.
Just know that I miss you. I miss going to dinner and us randomly ordering the exact same thing. Or knowing that whenever I have an extra ticket to the Sox game I have an automatic yes. Someone who supports me for me and every quirkiness about me because you have the same quirks.
As I sit in class and write this (sorry mom and dad), you text me and make my day. We laugh about memories and make future plans of spending every minute we can together. People see us and think we are sisters. People think that we are literally the same person which I love. I never knew what the term best friend meant until I met you.
So thank you for being my friend always even when you are hundreds of miles away. Thank you for caring about me every day and making some of the best memories with me. I miss summer because we aren't a quick drive away, we are a flight away. I mean we are co-captains of a state championship team (aka we are kinda cool). Have a great day, keep killing it in school, I can't wait until winter break when I get to see you.