To My Best Friend Who Struggles With Anorexia,
I love you an incredible amount and I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. You are someone I truly look up to. Not only are you amazing and beautiful inside and out, but you are so intelligent, genuine, hard working, caring and funny; I honestly admire you so much. Remember you are not your disorder. You are so much more than just your disorder. I hope that someday soon you are able to win your battle with anorexia, and say goodbye for good, and until that day I will be here to support you and help you. You deserve to never have to worry about managing your eating disorder while going to school full time, working a ton and being involved in many activities.
I know that things are honestly so tough on you. You are so incredibly strong and I know that through the tears it may not always seem like you are strong enough. I promise you are. I will be there to help lift you up when you feel like you have been pushed down. I can’t say that I have had an eating disorder, and therefore don’t know what it is like to experience what you do, but I see what you go through and I can imagine what it would be like. I’m sorry you have to deal with this stupid disorder. I know how taxing mental illnesses are, and not only is an eating disorder a mental illness, but it impacts your physical health too.
You are truly talented--you struggle with an eating disorder and still maintain amazing grades. It is not only your intelligence, but it is also your hard work that makes this possible. It is truly remarkable. You are just as beautiful to me and many others regardless of your weight. The perspective you put upon yourself, and the ways you think of yourself are not the ways that others think of you, and I know saying this isn’t going to magically fix this; instead I want to remind you that you are so amazing. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't enough, and especially don't tell this to yourself. I'm speaking for myself, although I believe others agree that people who struggle with mental illness tend to be overly harsh on themselves, and that mental illness is really irrational and uncontrollable.
While you may not think that you are skinny enough, I assure you that you see yourself from a unique perspective, and that others don’t see you the way that you do. You are plenty skinny and amazingly fit. It is okay to treat yourself with food after a hard workout; give your body what it needs. Let me know if ever there is something I can do, and I will do my best to be there for you, because you deserve a little help on the way.
With Love and Support,
Your Friend Hunter.
National Eating Disorder Awareness week was from February 26th - March 4th, 2017.
If you or a friend is struggling with an eating disorder, here are some helpful resources
Crisis Call Center: 800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863
Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorders: 630-577-1330
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday