I wish I could say that I have known you your entire life, but I have not. Actually, we have only known each other for almost three years. I remember the day we met in that “commuter dorm” in Laurel Hall in August of 2013. We were expecting a typical dorm room for us five commuter girls to share; the room contained lockers, a table, mismatched chairs, and some random furniture we brought from home. It was freshmen orientation, and I was not looking to make friends that very day, but there you were.
On our first day of classes, we ended up having English Composition together. This is where our friendship really began as we sat next to each other three days a week and learned about grammar rules I still cannot master. I listened to you bitch about hating your biology class. You listened to me bitch about men, something I still bitch about. During our second semester of college, we took English Composition II together and a class you hated but still took because I wanted you too. You always do things because I want you too.
Fast forward months and years, you have really been there for me more than I remember sometimes. You came with me to that concert when I was afraid to go by myself to meet up with the guy I was crushing mad for. You went on vacation with my family and me, watching my often-mental breakdowns and twenty-year-old tantrums. You came with me the first time I drove to Pittsburgh. You even trusted me when I got us lost on the way there during the worst ice storm in years. I got us to the Cheesecake Factory safely, and you were the reason why.
On my twenty-first birthday, we went to another Pitt game in our season ticket set. This past season we went with my boyfriend as a trio, and you have never complained yet about feeling like a third wheel even now when the season is soon to begin again at the end of August. But enough about me, this is about you.
To my best friend on your 21st birthday, please have a drink or many drinks on me but not too many, safety first. Soon we will be college graduates and I do not know where our paths will go or how often our paths will cross again during those days following. I want to enjoy every second that I have with you, as I know you are one of the greatest; I am thankful every day that somehow I found you and you befriended me. You are more amazing than you think.Thank you for dealing with my pain in the ass self for the past three years. Today is your day and I want to do whatever you want to do.The best is yet to come my friend, so let’s celebrate!.