The words you deserve aren't found in the dictionary or even in my head but I am still finding myself trying to type them anyways. You deserve endless thank you's and a few apologizes; I hope this can show you even a glimpse of how much you mean to me.
Dear Second Mom,
I have a million thank you's to give you; but my biggest one is for your daughter. Without her, I wouldn't have made it through some of the toughest days or have some of the greatest memories. Thank you for taking me in as your own and always making me feel welcome. Thank you for the countless sleepovers and the many memories I have at your home. Thank you for the motherly advice and always making sure I knew I could confide in you. Thank you for all the food over the years and for still keeping my tab open! Thank you for truly loving me as your own and for always showing it. And most importantly, thank you for simply being my second mom.
I also have a few apologies, I'm sorry for the late nights we kept you awake with our loud laughter occasional screams (when that cute boy finally texted back). I'm sorry for all the times you had to deal with my tears, I know you had enough to handle. I'm sorry you had to listen to our pointless drama and deal with our pre-teen selves, I am really not sure how you did it. And finally, I'm sorry that you're stuck with me forever.
I never knew I could be so blessed with not only one, but two amazing moms in my life. There will never be enough thank you's.
Love forever,
Your other daughter