Dear best friend I miss,
I feel like I haven't said to you how much I miss you. I wonder what happened to us that we got to the point where I never see you and I miss you like I miss some of my family members. Unfortunately, I do know how we got to this spot; work, school, and people changing.
I miss how we used to see each other everyday no matter what we had planned, but at that time it wasn't like we had other plans; our plans were mainly with each other. Our families considered us as their child they never planned on getting.
Do you remember when we went to the graveyard and I kept saying sorry to all the people I was walking passed? Do you remember everyday after you babysat we would go biking around pretty much all around our home city and plus.
Do you remember those late night runs to Taco Bell and Sonic for half price milkshakes? It seems like years ago that I actually have had a milkshake from Sonic. I miss the car rides of hard core jamming and my weird crazy dance moves and remixes.
Do you miss what we used to have as well? Do you miss our crazy sleepovers? And talking about our future and our crushes? Our attempted all nighters? Or complaining about the annoying people we know while we listen to some good ole ke$ha throwbacks? Or our inside jokes that actually make no sense at all?
You were there from the beginning helping me deal with all of my family drama. You were there when I lost one of the greatest influences in my life. I remember you telling me you went home after my dad passed and you losing your shit. Or how every month when it got close to his anniversary you would have a dream about him. You were there for me and I hope I was there for you.
When our schedules are different and we barely see each other, I can't help but think about all the things I miss about us. What we used to do and talk about. I wish we can go back in time where we were back in middle school with no jobs or a care in the world. I know things are different now and they probably won't go back to the way things should've been, but I miss us.
Your best friend who misses you.