I came to college with no intentions of making a best friend because I already have one, but why couldn’t I have one more? You are one of the very few things that made my first year of college great. Without you I wouldn’t have a coloring buddy to color with me for hours on end. You are the only person I trust to take my sharpies. I didn’t know we would become as close as we are now. When you text me late in the night with questions or problems, I am always here for you. I understand you and I only want the best for you no matter if it is a boyfriend, a job, or even a different school. You have grown on me and I appreciate you never giving up on me. We would hang out all the time at school and now that we are home for the summer our friendship still hasn’t diminished.
I miss my best friend. Now that we are home for the summer I don’t have anyone to stay up until 4am to help me with my essay that’s due in less than eight hours. I don’t have my best friend to hold my hand when a guy is hitting on me. I miss all the fun we had but I know we will make more memories this upcoming school year. It sucks being towns away from you when you use to be down the hall way. The countless memories we shared with one another make me laugh just thinking about them. Do you remember when we went to the ski lift and saw a ground hog? Remember how freaked out we were? It was an awesome day. Although we have yet to fight with one another, I want you to know that when that day comes I will not give up on you nor our friendship. You are more then what you see in yourself and I want you to know that everyone sees what I see in you. You have been a wonderful friend not only to me but the people you surround yourself with. You are a giant ball of energy who never sleeps because she doesn’t want to miss a thing. You are strong when obstacles are thrown at you. You embrace who you are, you are beautiful, intelligent, kind, caring and a person who never gives up on anything or anyone because no matter what the relationship is with that person you never want to lose them as a friend. Because friendship is valuable and I value ours. Thank you and I love you for being the best, best friend.