A Tribute To My Best Friend And The Person I Love More Than Life Itself | The Odyssey Online
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A Tribute To My Best Friend And The Person I Love More Than Life Itself

People come into our lives for a reason. Whether that be to better us, bring us joy, or ground us, A best friend is all of that wrapped into one.

A Tribute To My Best Friend And The Person I Love More Than Life Itself
Olivia Romano

Every single word in the english language, could not possibly describe the immense love I have for my best friend. She is kind yet stubborn, fragile but strong, and the most beautiful individual in and out. My best friend in the entire universe is Nicolette Muscarella. And Nik, I am beyond proud of you.

Nicolette and I have known one another since we were three years old in fluffy tutus and ballet slippers. From that moment on, we grew together in every way possible. We found our first loves together; dance and we also found ourselves, together.

Every person in this lifetime meets somebody who is destined to be in their lives. The universe knew I would need Nicolette, and that she would need me. Since age 3 and counting we have always been involved in each others lives. We are not only best friends, but family.

Our families have molded to one, our mothers and sisters also best friends for life. There is something to be said about what the universe has planned out for us. When I walked into that dance studio at such a young age, I was not aware of the bond that would last me a lifetime.

When people say "were inseparable", that is completely true. But the unique thing about our friendship is, although were inseparable, we are two different people which is what makes our friendship work.

We balance one another out. She is the yin to my yang. I would say that a best friend is designed to be here on this earth to better you. To show you the endless possibility of growth you have within you, and to show you how incredible you are when you are not feeling so special.

Throughout my life, I have not been dealt an easy hand of cards. But I will say that I have been blessed with beautiful people and their souls along the way. In areas where I am weak, Nicolette is so strong. She reminds me to stand my ground, and most importantly to stand up for myself. Because of her I have learned that although I am filled with kindness, some may take advantage of that, and to protect my own energy and light.

Where Nik may be uncertain of people, closing them off and not letting them completely in; I have softened her. Showing her that it is okay to be in touch with compassion and others. We balance one another. Keeping each other steadfast, and reminding each other that there is beauty in being both kind and having a backbone.

If you are a frequent viewer of my writing, you would know that I am no stranger to personal struggle. Yes, a lot of the strength I have comes from within me, but also comes from having a best friend like Nicolette herself.

One of the most beautiful things about Nicolette is, she will always try to understand you. Regardless if it is not her own personal experience, she is there to listen to be someone to confide in and simply hold your hand when life comes crashing down on you.

Nik you have no idea, how grateful I am to have someone like you beside me through life's hectic twists and turns. All of these qualities you posses, this is what is going to make you the most fantastic nurse.

Your work ethic is what makes you, you. I admire you so much for it. That is your secret weapon, take it and run with it! Prove to everyone, just how unbelievable you are. This is not an easy profession to dive into but here you are; going for it!

I am not so sure if you have heard it lately, but I am proud of you. Everyone who does not know you, is missing out on one special human being. I pray that every person in the world finds their own version of you. Their Nicolette. And if you do not, I am sad for you; because I could not imagine life without one.

I think you know a friendship is forever when no matter the distance, constant growth and change, you are still there in each others lives. We have been there for every milestone, joy, and heartbreak. And the most comforting thing is knowing, that we will be there for one another in the future. For every new milestone, new joy, and new heartbreak.

I love you to the moon and back times infinity. And like I said at the beginning of this article there are not enough words in the english language to describe just how important you are to me. All I can say is ,thank you and till were old.

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