Dear Best Friend,
We met back in sixth grade and have been inseparable since. We used to talk on the phone for hours (like five sometimes). We would spend hours at the mall on my birthday, hitting up the photo booth and Ruby Tuesday. I've been to countless family parties and cookouts, I became part of your family. You truly became my better half, in a friendship sense.
It doesn't matter if life gets busy and we don't talk for a while, because as soon as we pick up the phone we're right back where we left off. We even went to different high schools, but it didn't matter. It never mattered because we lived two and a half miles from each other.
However, last year you started your first year at a college 130 miles away from me. My security blanket was now gone. Not only that, but this was the scariest thing I've ever been through with you. What if you have an asthma attack and no one is there for you? What if you have an allergic reaction to a food and your roommate doesn't know how to help you? It gave me more anxiety than I could ever show.
I remember the night before you left, your mom drove you to my house to say goodbye. Even though it wasn't really goodbye, just see you later, I cried in your arms. It was hard to watch you get back in your car and leave. I wanted to run down the street and hug you just a little longer. Even a couple hours after you left, I sobbed. I wanted great things for you and I was worried the people up there wouldn't see your true potential due to the shyness you've never been able to control.
The months of school went by and it was as though you were still two and a half miles from me. We still talked on the phone every day. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to get through my first year of school if it wasn't for all the phone calls. We texted and snapchatted like always had. The only difference was we didn't see each other in person like we had before, but we only saw each other like once every other month when you were home anyway. It was like nothing had changed.
All of this anxiety I had was for nothing. Especially the anxiety I had worrying about you doing well since you excelled in everything you did. I should have figured you would though because you are brilliant. Even when you would beat yourself up when you wouldn't get the grade you wanted, I was still proud of you. You always make me proud.
Now here you are off to sophomore year and I'm still anxious. Will you make new friends? Will you like your dorm? Will you do well? I pray that everything goes perfectly for you because you deserve nothing but the best. I want nothing but for you to succeed.
As your new year comes to a start and you move in, just remember I am here for you. I will be your crying shoulder when the days are long. I will be your piece of Connecticut when you're homesick. I will be your study buddy as long as you listen to me go on and on about jumpstart. I will be there as your number one fan just like I've been for the past eight years. There is not amount of miles between us that we can't overcome. Go chase your dreams girl!