These are the reasons why I think we’ll be friends for the long haul...
You are always down for a good rant session.
This is probably 95% of what our friendship consists of, Late night/early morning rants about our annoying families or our fears about the future. But no matter the topic you're always there to listen.
We pick the BEST movies together.
We must just have an amazing natural talent for picking the perfect movies. But I know whenever I need a movie date to escape my insne family you're always down. (also can we talk about how it always rains when we drive together, without fail??)
We hate the same people.
this one is probably obvious but we hate all the same people & that’s why we get along so well. If I have the slightest beef with someone, no matter who, I know you'll be on my side ready to fight. And I hope you know that I'm always on yours.
We are 6's to a T.
why did we have to be the MOST anxious and stressed out enneagram number?? I guess this is what makes us so close. We have the same fears, strengths, and weaknesses. We always know how to talk eachother off a ledge, especially when our anxiety about who we are going to marry goes insane. We know we just have to say what we would want to hear.
We are running buddies for LIFE.
( you know I had to use this )
GiphyWe first met on the high school cross country team that I graduated from and you are still on. Even though I'm way too far away from you at college and you are still finishing the dreaded senior year, we will always be connected by running. We hate it the same amount, and we sure do love hating it, but I can't thank running enough for bringing me you.
I can tell your mood through a text.
Ok that sounds a lot creepier than I wanted it to, but I know you so well that I can literally tell what mood you're in just by our text conversations. (thankfully, because I know when to stop annoying you with my 500000 texts all at once)
I love you even though you hate the office.
This is a hard one to forgive. It physically hurts my heart & soul that you won't give the office (the greatest show in American history) a decent chance. and no no, one or two episodes is NOT a decent chance. But I will continue to make office references and jokes until someday you'll see what you're missing. When you do, I promise i'll be right there to say I told you so.
I like to think I led you to friends.
I’m going to take credit for you starting and LOVING friends. Thankfully we have at least one show that we can talk about/debate about/watch a million times together.
You just get me.
I don't think I've ever told anyone this but less than 5 years ago I would worry, cry, and stress about having friends. I was convinced that I was going to be alone forever. I didn't understand how people had so many friends constantly blowing up their phones. I used to think that the number of friends determined how happy you could be, but if the past few years have taught me anything, it's that I'd choose quality over quantity any day. I've been through quite a few friends since starting high school but you're the only one that's truly stuck around. And I can't thank you enough.