So it's graduation week! You just got back from your senior trip and now you are ready to walk across that stage on Saturday, get your diploma, and end your high school career. You're almost there! You finally did it.
You've almost completed the most stressful four years of your life thus far. Late night papers, studying for tough tests, and trying to make it through early college courses is all finally paying off! All the high school drama, tears, and most of all fights with friends is coming to a close, and none of that matters anymore. You're about to close a chapter, but you're also about to begin a brand new one.
You may have completed the last four years of high school but you're about to embark on this "wonderful" thing called college. I put that in quotes because college is not all it is cracked up to be. Like anything it has it's pros and cons. You get to make your own schedule, pick your career/classes, and have more freedom. There won't be anyone on your back about your grades, or handing in your assignments, or even if you show up to class or not. Most college professors could care less. That's when the responsibility and accountability falls completely on your shoulders. So don't slack off like I did! Really find out what makes you tick and how you want to spend the rest of your life and go for it.
You will probably have average grades your first semester (or year). You may fail a class, or two. And you may even goof off and forget why you are actually going to college, I know I did. So don't feel bad. All of these things happen to the best of us. You have new responsibilities that are different than you are used too and you'll figure out how to balance it all in your own way, in your own time.
You have so much freedom now to do anything and be anything you want to be, I hope you realize that. My one piece of advice to you is don't blow it. You can do anything you put your mind too and I know that you will. The next couple of years will be tougher than you know. You have so much to look forward too and yet so much hard work ahead of you. But take a deep breath and enjoy this new journey.
Time moves fast. I bet you thought you'd never make it to this final week of high school. Sure, the last four years probably dragged on and you promised yourself you'd never miss or want these years back, but believe me when I say you will. In a few short days you'll walk down the aisle to your graduation and you'll wonder how it all came so quick.
So take it all in because this is it. Come Saturday morning you will be apart of the graduating class of 2016 and your time at Veritas will come to a close. I am so proud of you and the person you've grown to be throughout high school. You've accomplished so much and it is only the beginning. God has big things in store for you and I cannot wait to see where life takes you. I cannot wait to have a new partner in crime over this next year to study and chill with. And even though most times you constantly drive me crazy, I love you more than you will ever know. Keep being you, and don't let anyone stop you! CONGRATULATIONS!
Love you long time,
Your fav sister.