To my baby brother,
There are a million funny nicknames I could have started this with, but I'm keeping it baby brother, which is exactly what you are and how I'll always see you. Except, you're not a baby anymore, I guess. I remember your being brought home from the hospital when I was three, and I remember your first birthday party, because it was conveniently joint with my fourth birthday party because our birthdays are so close. I remember your first days of kindergarten when I had to help the bus driver pry you out of the seat because you buckled yourself in and refused to get out unless the driver brought you home. I have watched you grow up right before my eyes, and, for the first time, today, I looked at you and so many things came to mind.
You're my best friend.
I may not always be yours, and that's okay. But because of you there hasn't been a day in over fifteen years that I was without a friend or someone to lean on. And I hope you know that even in the worst of moments and worst of events, I'm always here to serve as your best friend, too.
Don't wish your days away.
You're 15 and counting down the days until you can finally drive, but please, please don't wish a single moment of your life away. Before you know it, the year will fly by and you'll be able to drive. And then another year, and you realize you've only got a year left at home. And then give it one more year, and you're out the door. I know you probably don't want to hear it, but appreciate the time you have left with mom having to drive you everywhere and not having to wake up early on your weekends to go to work. Enjoy the fact that dad picks you up everyday after school to go grab pizza or to go the gym. You are at such an essential point in your life and I don't want to see you rush it the way I did.
I'm sorry for nagging you.
I know I may be annoying when I'm constantly reminding you to do things, or trying to steer you down the right path, but I do it out of love, and that's really it. It's essentially my job to nag you.
I'm sorry if I've ever let you down.
I know there have been movements where you may have been so frustrated with me because of something that was said, or because I tattled to mom about something you did. I'm sorry for the times I broke your trust. I'm sorry for the times we fought over the dumbest things. I'm sorry if I ever caused any type of pain, worry or sadness in your life.
I'm so happy you're my brother.
To say it's been a blessing to have had you around for 15 out of the 18 years I've been alive is an understatement. You have brought so much love into my heart and I certainly hope that I've done the same for you. I don't remember a life before you, and quite frankly I don't want to.
Thank you.
Thank you for the times in elementary school when we'd play with our endless pile of Webkinz. Thank you for the nights we'd stay up till 3:00 a.m. just because we knew there would be an episode of "Full House" on then. Thank you for the days we'd drive around in my car and play music and rap together one of the few raps songs I know. Thank you for always trying to fix the GameCube, because you know Mario Baseball is my favorite (even though you always beat me). There are so many other nutty memories we have, but these stuck out the most in my mind.
You make me so proud.
You've certainly had your moments, bud, but don't ever think for a second that I've ever lacked pride in you. I've had moments where I was furious and disappointed, but there has never been a second that I wouldn't look at you and think "sure he screwed up, but he's MY brother and I'm damn proud of that."
I vaguely remember being three years old, and counting down the days till I became a big sister, hoping and praying that my new little sibling would be a girl. But, my gosh, I am so beyond lucky I got a little brother instead. I cannot imagine a world in which I did not have you.
Please always continue to be your happy-go-lucky, goofy, free spirited self.
Thank you for being my little bro, I love you Shark!