Eight years, next month with be will be eight years without you. I only had you for eleven, so this seems so crazy you've been gone for so long. In the beginning, I thought I would never be able to live without you. I'm managing just fine. In no way is life easier without you, but I never expected to feel normal again without your sweet presence.
Of course, you know I have good days and I have bad days. On those bad days, I long for a big hug and your comforting words. "Everything is okay princess." Maybe you as a parent can't say I'm the favorite, but I was the princess so I think we all know what I'm getting at. LOL.
Most people that are in my life now and that I will meet will never get the chance to know you, which hurts the most. I want memories of everyone together with you in them. I have many important events in life ahead of me that I know you will watch over; however, it would be really cool if you could physically be in the stands cheering me on. You blessed our family and your friend with great memories at different times with each one. I continue to learn more about you as I get older. Every sentence starts with, "Your father was a great man..." I know that you left your mark on others and your presence hasn't left.
I miss our long walks, our morning drive-thrus, and all our projects we took on after throwing the instruction manual away. Maybe one day we will race each other down a black diamond. I love you Dad.