After the recent events, I decided it was about time I shared some of my thoughts.
To my America,
I am a child of two immigrant parents, who have worked hard to live a good life in this country. My parents work seven days a week and have paid tribute to this country just as much as any “American” has, so for people to say that this is not their America is disappointing. This would not be my America without them.
Hundreds of years ago the first sign you saw when you came to America was, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
When did those words become the walls pushing so many away?
When did immigrant imply that a person was illegal?
When did Muslim become synonymous with terror?
When did color define our rights?
When did people decide they could tell others who to love?
Most importantly, when did America lose its greatness?
Was it in the 1960s when “all men are created equal” meant all white men or when all men didn’t mean women and “all men and women” still doesn’t mean women or was it when we decided we could deny people, love, don’t ask don’t tell right? or when we traded slavery for the 13th Amendment.
I refuse to live in a country who is constantly looking at the world through a rearview mirror.
So to those who chant “Make America Great Again”:
How can I simply state this... who hurt you? What did they do to you? You speak with such conviction and I’m just curious when did history turn its back on you? This is not greatness.
You shout, 'protect our country!' protect your country from who? The people who built this country? What makes you so special? What makes you so much better than them?
To answer all those questions in one short phrase: get over yourself.
This is my America.
An America where the American dream will live and reign sheltering refugees and immigrants from the horrors of the world forever.
An America where I can say whatever I want, whenever I want.
An America where I can practice whatever religion I want, whenever I want.
An America where as a woman I can vote and speak in society.
An America that says I can be and love whoever.
An America that teaches me to love my neighbor because LOVE always trumps hate.
So you know what, I think my America is pretty damn great.
I am a woman.
I am an immigrant.
I am a refugee.
I am Black Lives Matter.
I am everything that makes America so great and I refuse to live in a world where ignorance and hate reign. So speak up and use your voice because if you don’t, no one else will and you will be part of the problem.