To my 2017 self,
Two Thousand and Sixteen was, well, not the best year of your life, to say to least, and I am sure that plenty of other people could say the same thing. This past year just had a terrible aura to it, and we are all ecstatic that it is gone and in the past. So for this year, I want you to remember some things, and remember to start this year with an open and positive mind in almost everything you will do.
When classes starts up again, I want you to remember why you went to college in the first place, and that you can give up that Thursday night of going out to study a little extra for that test you have coming up on Monday, so that you are not cramming the night before. Do not procrastinate, and make sure that you are working to the best of your capabilities this year in all of your school work. In the end, the good grades will be worth it, and they will make you feel like you accomplished something great they you really deserved.
With that being said, do not stress yourself out too much; that is one of the worst things you can do to yourself. If you have been studying for 6+ hours non stop and feel like your head is going to explode, go take a break-- it won't kill you. Remember that you are at school to work, but you also need to have fun. Do not let a poor grade on a quiz or something ruin your whole week and weekend. Go out with your friends, even if you are in a bad mood ( I am guilty of throwing a pity party for myself when I am sad and not going out with all my friends). You will experience serious FOMO, and going out when you are in a bad mood helps your whole mood turn around.
I also want you to remember that you will run into bad people that will come into your life, and last year you were not the best at weeding those people out of your life. This year I am hoping that you will respect yourself and your emotions and to not let these bad people dictate your happiness. Try to leave those people who halted your happiness last year in the past, and continue to move on to the future.
In 2017, I also hope you continue to grow with every new day and with every great experience and hardship that will get thrown at you. Try new things, take on new challenges, and don't be afraid of unfamiliarity.
Even though 2016 was not our year, try not to forget everything that happened to make you the person you are today, and to help you become the person that you are going to be in years to come because of what you have learned.
My 2016 self