This upcoming Wednesday, May 25, I will be celebrating my 19th year of life. For most, this age is merely another road block to the long-awaited and anticipated journey to 21 and all the drunken festivities and freedom associated with it. But for me, 19 is much more than that. It is a year that will be filled with not only great hopes, but also eventual failures as I am and never will be a perfect individual. As I always have reminded myself as each birthday passes, my new age is an opportunity for a fresh start and new beginning. I cannot help but reflect as to what type of person I'd like to develop into during my 19th year, and I've set goals and reminders for myself as this new milestone in life approaches me.
1. Open up my listening ears.
This is something that I've been telling myself for years now, and it is also something I often struggle with. So often when people tell their stories or experiences, I want to jump in and give my own version too. But I tend to not realize in the moment that by raising my voice and trying to relate, I am essentially overpowering theirs and their own experiences and feelings. Sometimes the best thing is to wait until someone verbally asks you a question or for advice before opening your mouth and word vomiting all over the place.
2. Keep loving people more.
Recently, I saw a quote on Facebook that goes along the lines of: "Stop swimming across oceans for people who won't jump a puddle for you." Although I understand the intended goal of this quote is to rid yourself of toxic relationships and situations, I don't think over-loving and being giving to people more is necessarily a bad thing. I've always been the type of person to love fiercely and deeply, and sometimes it has left me with a broken heart and bruised feelings. But over time, I am grateful that I am able to give so much of myself and love with all of my big heart. Having such a deep access to my feelings is something I've grown to appreciate over the years. Although it's gotten me in sticky situations before, this is a trait I want to continue to have during my last year of teens.
3. Stop taking things so personally.
In the rare instances that my boyfriend and I argue, it's because of me getting offended and upset when I shouldn't. This is partially to blame because of my anxiety and always overthinking things, and in my defense, it's pretty hard to control. However, sometimes I do admit I should take a step back and look at an entire situation before jumping to the conclusion that I am being attacked or blamed for something when I'm really not. Also, in case you couldn't tell, this reminder also high-key ties in with the first point.
4. Floss more.
I know what you're thinking. "Ew, why is she posting about her poor dental habits? That's so gross!"But we all know we don't do it enough. Unless, of course, you're Chip Skylark from "The Fairly OddParents." Oh, Chip. Here's to hoping I'll be able to duet with you during "My Shiny Teeth and Me" this year.
5. Spend more time outside.
Growing up, I was never really the outdoorsy type. To this day, my idea of a good time is laying in bed binge-watching Disney movies in my sweatpants all day. But moving to the city of Boston has opened up my eyes to how much adventure is really out there and that life is too short to be confined by four walls. Although this will be a tough habit to shake, taking afternoon strolls around my neighborhood or spending the day in the Boston Garden will hopefully soon become a norm in my world.
6. Treat yourself.
I tell myself this all time, yet I still hardly ever do. Do I have rent and utilities to pay for? Yes. Do I already have lots of cool things at my apartment? You betcha. But wouldn't those cute sandals from Primark make a cute addition in my closet? Of course! So here's to opening up my wallet just a smidgen more every once and awhile for self-care and appreciation purposes.
7. Appreciate alone time.
Right now I'm a point in life where I'm virtually always alone unless my boyfriend is in our apartment or I'm at my workplace. Since moving to Boston full time this summer, I haven't been able to make friends in the area, and it's tough for my OG besties in Connecticut to come up and hang for a day or two due to conflicting schedules. To be honest, being alone sometimes really stinks and not having someone around just to appreciate their company can be a bummer. However, being alone doesn't always need to be a negative thing. I find myself being more productive while alone whether that be with cleaning or researching things for my own better knowledge. Also, being alone means there's no one to judge you if you want to sit in your undies and belt (screech) out some Celine Dion lyrics, so that's also a plus.
8. Call my relatives more.
As I enter another year of life, I have come to realize that time is flying. In the blink of an eye, I could be 30 years old in my own career and surrounded by my own little family. But I cannot forget the people who raised me and shaped me into the young woman that I am today. Sometimes just calling my mom and hearing about her day can make all the difference in my mood. Plus, I know everyone misses me as much as I miss them. Showing them some love and appreciation is much-needed.
9. Continue to be authentically me.
As mentioned before, I am not a perfect person. I make mistakes. I cry too much. I probably eat too many slices of pizza than is recommended for a healthy lifestyle. But that's just me. I sometimes forget that even though I am not perfect, I am still a pretty decent human being. I'm extremely passionate about the things and people that I love. I challenge myself to try new things and break out of my comfort zone. I raise my voice when I notice things aren't right and am overall a pretty confident woman. I have developed cracks and edges over my past 19 years of living. But this year will be one where I try to accept the woman I am and all the trials and tribulations I endure in this so-called life.