To my person,
We've been friends for such a long time and I'm so blessed to have a best friend like you. We've been through so many things together, so I just want to say thank you and I love you.
You glued the pieces back together when he broke them
I have no idea what I would have done if I didn't have you when he left me. You were right there everyday to be with me. You held me and promised me it would be okay. You never ignored my text messages at 3 a.m. while I was laying awake thinking about him. You stood against him, you hated him with me. You made sure I knew my worth. He made me feel so worthless and you were there to tell me I am beautiful and perfect the way I am. Thank you for picking me up when he pushed me down.
You never fail to cheer me up
From your crazy, random bursts of energy, or just your laugh, you can always put a big smile on my face. You know me inside and out, you know exactly what makes me happy and you always do those things when i'm upset. P.s: Food. High School Musical. Minions. Keep it up.
I can't get rid of you because you know too much
You know when I had my first kiss. You know who I first loved. You know everything about my family. You literally know everything. I have told you every single secret i've had. You're my go to person no matter what. You know my favorite color. My favorite everything. You know my feelings towards everyone. I could never just get rid of you; You, who would I make all my plans with? Who would I send 1,000 snap chats to? No one will ever replace you.
You treat me like family
That's enough said right there. The way your mom treats me makes me feel like family. They know everything. I feel like your mom and siblings are mine too. And i'll forever be thankful to have your family be mine too.
You got me through my awful middle school years.
Remember when I used to have, like, pink hair? Remember when I took about 200 pictures on Photo Booth? We put every color of eye shadow on our eyes and thought it was cool. What were we thinking? I still question myself what we were trying to do that night. We made it out of those years together — I'm proud of us.
So thank you for all of that. I wouldn't be where I am if I didn't have you. You helped me through every bad night i've ever had. I can't wait to see where God brings out friendship.
Forever and Always,
Your person