Dear Momsie,
I am writing you this letter, because of your altziemers and even though you don't remember a lot of things I still want to update you. Although I visit you as much as I can, I still miss the old you. I miss going to your house everyday after school and talking for hours. I miss acting so foolish in front of you and popsie just to hear the both of you laugh. I do still love you.
You would be so proud of me I went to Mississippi State, and I absolutely love it. I am a junior studying psychology. You would be so proud of all your grandchildren, even though all of us are growing up rapidly. You only have 2 grandkids left in highschool, and you have two who have already graduated college. I still don't have a boyfriend, even though there has been a few boys here and there. And yes as I am still as you would say "being sweet."
The whole family loves you so much. You push us all to be the best version of ourselves even to this day. Popsie is doing well even though he does not realise that a part of getting older is slowing down. He visits you so much and all though you sometimes do not know where you are or what you are doing everytime he walks in the room your face lights up. You both show me what true love looks like.
I want to say thank you, growing up you taught me so much about myself. Thank you for being a role model, for always being a person who would love me through thick and thin. Thank you for teaching me many life lessons that I will hold onto forever.
Your memory is quickly fading, often times you don't know where you are or who I am.
Visiting you is hard, it breaks my heart to see you struggling the way that you do I know you would never want us to remember you as you are right now with your hair disheveled and your nails not perfectly done. On one hand I know I should see you more often than I do, but everytime I visit I don't recognize you. It hurts to see the shell of a woman who means the world to me, but it not actually be you. It is extremely hard to watch my mom break down over the thought of losing you, and it's hard not to be angry when this disease is taking away someone we love so much.
I love you always,