Ah, there is nothing better than waking up with a bare face... and then caking every single pore with liquid, powders and sprays.
But, on the other hand, there is no better feeling than being able to rub your eyes.
These are two different preferences and most girls are a little bit of both, myself included. But there are some girls that really do prefer one over the other and, guess what everyone: THAT IS OKAY.
I think we need to dig way back into our brains to when we were a group of happy third graders and girl power was superior to all. No, but seriously–why isn't it like that anymore? Girl power was all about supporting other girls, in third grade, it could be defined as being better at hide-and-seek than all the other boys in class. But now that we are older, let's change the definition:
Girl power –noun, used in reference to supporting positive differences or similarities within other girls.
How does the girl in your 8:00 AM history class wearing a full face of makeup with a beautifully done smokey eye effect you? She doesn't. Just like how the girl that never wears makeup to the club on Friday nights isn't less of a woman because of it; she just doesn't like spending her time and money on makeup. Both girls are beautiful and both girls should not be judged.
As women, we need to spend our energy on empowering each other for our differences instead of tearing each other down with dirty looks and petty comments, just because that's not how "we would do it".
So go ahead, rub your makeup-less eyes, or go ahead and wear bright red lipstick to the grocery store. Whichever you chose is cool with us.