Imagine you're in a room with no corners and there's only one window. and you can't reach it but you can see the sky outside it. You can see the sky and the clouds and beautiful birds flying passed it. However, all you can do is gaze upon it from the floor because you can't reach it and there is no way there. That's how it feels to be a girl that is broken for whatever reason. She still has dreams of being loved. You know you want it, but there is no use in trying because you can't reach it and there's no point. Being one of these girls is so hard and they deserve to be loved and treated well in my eyes. So whether you're looking for something serious or not, here are some things to remember when you pursue a girl that is "broken."
1. Talk to her.
When you're with someone that is broken and has so many issues and problems that she wants to make sure you're safe and okay, don't get annoyed when she wants you to text her an extra message to know you're safe. It's okay to worry and yeah it can be annoying to have your significant other wanting you to keep up with her but honestly that shouldn't be a problem.
2. Listen to her.
There's nothing like being with someone that doesn't care. Even if you don't understand her, listen to her and try to. A guy that tries is all she could ask for, even if he doesn't know anything about what she is saying.
3. Never give up.
This honestly should be something to remember for all relationships but some guys need an extra reminder. When you're with a girl that's broken, they cannot help how they feel emotionally. They need to be took extra care of and shown that you won't give up despite what you're going through.
4. Don't get mad when she's clingy.
Yeah it can suck to have your girlfriend always wanting to talk to you or be around but it's only because she loves and cares about you. Don't be mad that she wants to be around you, appreciate and handle it appropriately.
5. Don't have unrealistic hopes.
Don't over expect things from her and don't under expect things. It's best to learn a boundary line where you see the pace of the relationship and stick with it. Don't jump and skip over important things. Find a pace and stick with it.
**Take into consideration what you're getting yourself into. Take heed to the girl's warnings of the things that trigger her and prepare for good days and bad days.