There are two kinds of people. Some people hate high school. They hate everything about it and can't wait to leave, ditch the school colors for good, and get on with their lives. Then you have the people like me. I thrived in high school, and I loved it. I will bleed black and gold forever; trojan pride never dies. My people were there. I did well there. I belonged there. I cried my eyes out the night I graduated, and yes, I know how lame that sounds. I was so scared of what was before me because nobody told me what I'm going to tell you, senior. So here's your "Insider's Guide to College" from the girl who wasn't ready for it.
I know for some college seems like this huge bully waiting to eat you alive. This is probably because several of your friends in college talk about it in a way that paints it like that. It's not as bad as they make it out to be, pinky promise.I was scared to death the first day because I was prepared to have 17 quizzes the next week with 4 papers and enough tests to go around, but that won't happen. If it does, you're at the wrong college. College is hard work, don't get me wrong, but it's manageable if you work hard and use your time wisely.
Be yourself. Be yourself. Be yourself. Please.
I was one of those people who came in trying to act like a completely different person trying to find "my people". Read this next sentence very carefully like seventeen million times. You will find friends worth having when you act like yourself. There are people in college that party and others who don't. Some who are Greek and some who aren't. Some who are religious and some who aren't. And I know this sounds wild, but most people of all groups are very concerned with academics and are hardworking. You will find people you like to spend time with when you show them who you really are.
Freshmen who are living in dorms, start saving quarters now. In addition to the thousands of dollars you have to pay to take up the dorm space, you have to pay to take up the washer and dryer space too, apparently. Three dollars per load doesn't sound like much right now, but it adds up... quickly.
Do not, I repeat do not, let anyone hold you back. Whether it's a boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, family member, or a random stranger, you will regret it when you finally realize how much you missed out on. If they are willing to leave if you do something they don't like, let them. You only get college once, kid. Don't let anyone take it from you.
I know you've heard this a million times but go to class. You know you should. I know you should. But what you don't know is how easy it is to skip once you're actually here. When your alarm is going off for the fifth time that morning and your bed is nice and cozy, it's really hard to prepare yourself to make the mile-long trek to your 8 a.m. in 30-degree weather.
Girls, for the love of everything good in this world, don't be the girl that acts dumb and throws herself at guys left and right. I pinky promise nothing is attractive about that, and you don't want the attention that comes from it. Have a great time anywhere you are, don't worry about what guys think, and you'll be surprised what happens.
And guys, don't be the douche in the crowd. Nothing is more unattractive than a guy whose nose is pointed so far up he can't see what's right in front of him. Be nice. It doesn't matter what frat you are in, what your grades are, or what you look like. Be a genuine, pleasant person, and again, you'll be surprised what happens.
This one is mainly focused towards girls for obvious reasons, but it can apply to guys too. DO NOT OVERPACK. You won't need the fourth blanket. You'll never wear those heels. You will not pick up that book you've been meaning to read for forever. You will wear the same T-shirts. Bring a raincoat. Bring tennis shoes. Bring cheap dishes. It's college; you don't need everything from home. You'll end up bringing half of it back when you go home the first time anyway.
Learn to love coffee. I avoided it my entire life and even made it through first semester without it, but one day it will just hit you. The awful taste becomes not so bad, and the effects that come from it will be heaven sent. So go ahead and buy travel coffee mugs and think about what flavor coffee and creamer you'll like because it will definitely happen.
As scary as college seems, and trust me I was terrified, it really is the best time of your life. I'm only in my second semester and I'm already saying that. You'll find your group of friends that become your family. You'll get involved, you'll work hard. You'll thrive. It will be hard, and you'll cry more than you probably ever have, but you'll also laugh more, love more, and learn more. You'll find yourself and have tons of fun along the way. Enjoy your senior year. Enjoy it for all it's worth because you'll miss it, but what comes after it is a roller coaster you'll never want to get off.
Good luck,
Your freshman friend