There are going to be a lot of things on your mind when you move into college. Anyone can tell you simple things like keeping a strict sleep schedule or writing all your syllabi in a planner, but I am here to tell you what you really need to know, so buckle up as we get into the nitty-gritty about the truth of campus life at Florida Gulf Coast University. Here are 10 things High School seniors about to move into FGCU should know:
1. The freshman fifteen is a load of baloney
I found that if you are a generally healthy and an active person before college, you will continue to be like this during college. You only have to worry about the dreaded freshman fifteen if you were already living an unhealthy lifestyle.
2. Productive procrastination exists and anyone can fall victim!
This may include putting down a book to wash dishes, fold laundry, make the bed, etc. While you are doing homework, do homework. Even though you are being productive it’s still procrastination.
3. Go to every event that offers free things, especially a T-shirt.
You may not realize it now, but those shirts, knickknacks, and snacks are precious and important in making memories. Some of those knickknacks might be on your desk or around your dorm or apartment for years to come!
4. Get to the bus stop a half hour early
The SoVi buses are such a blessing, especially during the most humid months. However, they can sometimes be unpredictable. Make sure to get to the bus stop 30 minutes before your class starts, just to be safe. Otherwise, you will be a sweaty, speed walking mess on your way to class.
5. If you're religious, check out the services offered.
If you were religious prior to entering college, make sure to take some time out of your schedule to go to a weekly mass or service. The familiarity will ease your mind and remind you of home.
6. Going to RA events is a must.
It’s a simple and convenient way to meet people who live in your area and watch a movie or make a craft with them. If you come to make friends in other South Village buildings as well, go to their events too!! The more the merrier!
7. Go to the dining hall as early as possible.
SoVi dining is advertised as closing at midnight, but they will stop putting food out by around 9:00. While this may kill you at times, it’s a perfect opportunity to utilize the precious moments that the waffle maker does not have a line to satisfy any late-night cravings.
8. Take trips!
Taking a weekend trip to Disney or Universal with some of your new friends will be one of the best trips you take all year. It's a great way to make your freshman year the most memorable.
9. Pick a major you're going to love no matter what.
The struggle is real when you have a hard major. Sometimes you might get a few bad grades even though you feel like you should, you might as well start paying rent in a library study room. Trying your hardest and knowing that you like what you are studying will get you through even the worst of times.
10. Hold onto the friends that make you feel like the best version of yourself
Not everyone you meet is going to be with you for the remainder of your college career, but you are going to meet some of your best friends in South Village your freshman year.