"Friends are hard to find. In a lifetime you get only a few. And when you find them, you always know them by sight and heart alone, you always grow a little bit taller in your soul, and you know you have been blessed just to know them." -Ashley Rice
My friend Heather told me, "I think you're my soulmate. I think the guys are just for fun. You know me better than any of them ever want to."
You're so wrong. You haven't found that guy yet, but you will. One day, the right guy will see exactly what I see. You're beautiful, inside and out. You're smart and you're funny. Most of all, you want to see everything that this world has to offer you. You don't need a man to be great; you're great on your own. But one day, when it's the right time, with the right man ... It'll happen. Our friendship will come second, but that's OK. That's how it's supposed to be. Your significant other is supposed to be your best friend. Don't worry, I'll still be there to go on late night Mexican runs with you.
Heather Brook, you're going to make some man so happy. I hope he realizes how lucky he is. I hope he pushes you to reach for the stars. I hope he not only encourages you to chase your dreams, but joins you in the chase. I hope he falls in love with you the way that you fell in love with the world. I hope he sees the beauty in every detail, just like you do in Greek mythology. I hope he understands you'll always love Mexican food more than him, and that cheese dip is the way to your heart. I hope he knows to make you a margarita after you've had a long day. Most of all, I hope he realizes that you may act tough, and most of the time you are ... But sometimes you just need a hug and someone to remind you how truly amazing you are. I am so blessed to have met you, but I am truly lucky to call you my best friend. I love you, dude.
To whom it may concern: Take care of her heart. It's fragile. She tries to act heartless, but if you're the right guy ... You'll see through that. She has a bigger heart than most people. Tell her she's beautiful even when her freckles are showing. Tell her you love her even when she's being crazy. Fall in love with her attitude, but don't let her run you off. She will try to push you away if you start getting too close. If you're the right guy ... You won't let that happen. Travel with her. Watch her as she falls in love with her surroundings. Dance with her in the most random of places. Goofily sing with her during car rides. Always kiss her goodnight. But above all else, realize that she chose you. Rejoice in that fact. She's guarded her heart for quite some time; let her know she made the right decision. Try your hardest to make her happy, but understand she doesn't need someone else to be happy. You're a lucky man. You have the most wonderful woman in the world. You have my best friend.
Treat her well.