Success isn't natural.
Success is attainable by anyone willing to dedicate themselves and their energy towards their definition of success. To grasp success, it's essential to let go of things that hold us back from that point. What is it that you need to let go of to reach your definition of success? Here are fifteen tihngs that any and every individual should let go of in order to grasp success.
1. Obligations
In life there are many times that we will feel obligated to pick up tasks that aren't ours to carry out, say words we don't mean, follow ideas that have been instilled within us by someone other than ourselves. At some point we must realize that although we can learn many lessons by doing all of the above, we mustn't burden ourselves with duties of others, say words we don't mean just to comfort someone or make a situation less awkward, and following ideas and dreams besides our own. We should only ever feel morally bound to our own actions, dreams, and ideas.
2. Insecurities
Everyone is insecure in some way. Whether it be an insecurity regarding beauty, intelligence, disabilities, quirks, etc. Why are we all so damn insecure? We have nothing to prove to anyone besides ourselves. We know why we laugh the way we do, dress the way we do, read the books we do, and so forth. To succeed, we must set aside the idea (and truth) that ourselves and others will find things to dislike about us. A successful person doesn't let insecurity set them back, because they know that everyone is different and that everyone has their own struggles with insecurity.
3. Unneeded stress
It's hard to fully love what we dedicate ourselves to when we are preoccupied with stressful thoughts. If a hobby is no longer enjoyable, let it go and find another one. If there are too many self-volunteered events on the calendar that there's no time to relax, stop overbooking yourself. Take a step back.
4. Unhealthy habits
There are so many different examples of unhealthy examples. Which pertain to you? Unhealthy dieting, not getting enough sleep, procrastinating, self harming, hoarding, seeking violence? Whatever you find yourself doing, and in the back of your head you know this isn't good for yourself and/or others, seek a way to prevent yourself from continuing these habits. Do you need a partner in this challenge? Do you have what it takes to tackle this challenge, or do you need guidance from a professional? Whatever it is you're facing, you are not alone. We all have unhealthy habits of our own. I hope you can reach a greater level of peace and understanding.
5. Toxic relationships
Because we are all worthy of healthy relationships. Yes there may be good days spent together, but if you have to focus on the good ones to avoid how bad the bad days are, that is not healthy. Relationships aren't about control, rules, or expectations. Allow yourself to be loved greatly.
6. Comparisons
Comparison will kill you someone wise once told me. Before you know it you'll find yourself insecure, jealous, or both. Comparing yourself to someone else won't change either of you. It'll only drive you to overthinking.
7. Feeling that you have to always explain yourself
You are allowed to say "no" without explanation. You are allowed to dress how you want without explanation. You are allowed to have beliefs without explanation. No particular reason, other than don't ever feel obligated to soothe someone's lack of understanding if you don't wish to. Some things don't require explanation ever. Explain only if and when you want to.
8. Looking for someone just to have someone
When someone is looking for someone because they are lonely, they tend to lower their standards and settle. Yes patience is a hard battle to fight, especially when feeling lonely. However, the outcome is fuller. Someone who wants you on your independent days, meets or rises above your standards, and values you.
9. Unrealistic standards
It is great to set standards for ourselves, some that require us to stretch our abilities. Over time our standards will adjust to how we adapt and grow. There is no need set initial standards so high that when they are not easily reached over a short span of time, that you burn out and lose faith in yourself.
10. Fear of change
The only constant in life is change. To live in fear of the only constant in life is quite the pill to swallow. Change isn't meant to be scary. Change has the power to expand knowledge and experience, build relationships, create opportunities, and much more. Change builds character. If you don't like who you are today, this minute- you are free to change.
11. Fear of failure
Why fear something as life changing and shaping as failure? Indeed, no one anticipates failure, but failure always creates a learning experience. We fail until we succeed, or find something greater to focus on.
12. Excuses
Excuses may start out small, or over simple things. However, excuses over small things can lead to excuses over larger things in life. Reliability is valuable. A strong leader must be reliable.
13. Doubt
Doubt, of all things, is NOT the secret ingredient to success. We must believe in ourselves and in each other. We must want to see each other succeed and do our best to build each other up to be a part of a more successful society.