Everyone gets over their breakup in different ways, but maybe this will help!
1. Talk to your friends!
You have people in your life that are there for you and will be ready to listen. Make sure to open up about what's going on in your life with your friends. They might be able to give some great advice and stop you from sending that text to your ex.
2. Focus on things that make you happy!
Being in a relationship can distract you from things you really enjoy. You have plenty of time now to draw, read, or whatever else you like to do! Maybe even pick up some new hobbies.
3. Go out!
You're single! Go out and have some fun. Staying in your room dwelling in your sadness will be easy to do. Be sure to get out and have some fun with your friends and meet new people!
4.Delete them off social media!
When you're trying to get over someone, seeing their posts and having that contact won't have any benefits. Staying out of contact will be one of the best tools in getting over someone.
5. Get rid of things that remind you of them!
You might have some of their shirts and tons of pictures, get rid of them! Try not to see the person you ended things with, it'll just make it harder to get over them. If the things aren't important just toss them away!
6. Give yourself time!
Everybody heals in their own way. It might take a while to really get over someone but it will happen! Make sure to stay out of contact with the person and you will be better off. Talk to your friends and do things that make you happy! And remember don't rush into a new relationship if you aren't ready.