Dear Teenager, you may not know me, but I know you.
I am you. Just like you I flit about pollinating the cyber world with my own nonsensical self indulged swarm of irrelevance.
But WHEN will we grow up?
When will we realize that we can not change the world let alone ourselves in 140 characters? When will we discover that likes do not equal love and that uncovering our bodies for the camera and begging for the point two seconds it takes for someone to double tap their screen? WHEN, I ask you do we realize that it is not worth it.
WHY are we not crafting our tweets in verse and in song.
WHY are we not instagramming the beauty of the world we live in. WHY must our thoughts be condensed into so few lines, and our lives kept in ten second snaps.
We are butterflies, so fragile and delicate, just begging to spread our wings, but instead of seeing the world and showing out true colors, we have flown into into a web.