Have you ever noticed how your best friends show up at just the right times? Think about it, when you need to share your most exciting news, they’re there. When you need a shoulder to cry on, they’re there.
When you need a shopping companion, they are the first ones you call. Where would we be without friends like these? Ones that truly will drop anything to come to your rescue when you’re having a horrible day. The ones that know, without you even saying anything, that something is wrong and the world must stand still until we figure it out together.
My point is that with so much going on in the world around us and in our personal lives, it’s nice to know that those friends always have your back.
These are the people you absolutely need in your life. The Serenas to your Blaires, the Merediths to your Cristinas, the Peytons to our Brookes! Who would one be without the other?
These characters are all great examples of what it’s like to have such special best friends in your life. Sure they fight, but don’t we all? Isn’t it better to fight, kiss, and makeup rather than never have let your feelings out at all? That’s the best part of having best friends, you can be true to each other and let all your feelings out.
As Taylor from the Bachelor would say, it’s all about “emotional intelligence.” Well, I guess you’ve got that right girl, it is the key to a strong friendship.
It’s not just a one-way street though. Great friendships are made so that both sides are always ready to help. You have to be there when your friends most need you too. Yeah, you heard me, it’s not all about you all the time. The most important thing is knowing that you will be there for each other.
No one is going to try to comfort you, if you don’t give them the time of day when they express that very same need. Being a best friend means you know how to handle the other persons’ needs and insecurities. Even if the answer is the two of you just lying there together and not saying anything (in true Mer and Christina fashion) then that’s just what needs to be done.
You don’t have to explain your weird comfort tactics to anyone! You just gotta do you!!! And whatever works just works.
I guess what I’m trying to say is the gift of a great friend cannot be ignored. Remember to appreciate your friends and the little things they do for you. Be thankful that you have people who are always ready to comfort you about a bad grade, beat up a boy if need be, or celebrate your latest victory, whatever that may be.
I just read a quote that said, “Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget”. Always remember to treasure the friendships you have because they are the ones who make your life so special.