To the college freshman with big plans for their life,
Freshman year is a time of new experiences. Lots will be good and you'll have tons of fun. But others won't be so good, and you'll experience some pain and maybe shed some tears. College is a big step! You've finally moved out of your parents' house and you have your own space, even if you're sharing with your new roommate. You're all registered for classes and most likely declared a major. (If you haven't declared yet, don't sweat it.)
You've probably done a lot of research on your school. You have an idea about some organizations or clubs that you'd like to get involved in or find out more about. You may be rushing a sorority or fraternity, and that's cool too.
You also might have your entire life planned out after college. Where you want to work, what kind of job you want, how much you need to make to live your current lifestyle, when you want to get married, how many kids you want, etc.
Take it one step at a time.
Don't try to plan out everything right now, because even if you plan it perfectly, something is bound to change or go wrong.
Allow yourself time to meet new people and learn new things. Create memories and make a new name for yourself in your college town!
Another thing that's great about freshman year is that it's like a blank slate. College is like a whole new world, with so many new people for you to encounter. No matter how things were back home or in high school, this is your chance to be someone that you are proud of.
Don't dream this time away. Enjoy it, because you'll never get it back.