The only reason I'm studying is because I'm aiming for a high GPA, and I don't want to retake anymore classes. Finals, I apologize, but the last thing I want to do is study for the hardest tests of the entire semester, and I think Grey's Anatomy agrees with me.
When your professor won't stop talking during the last few days of class and all you're thinking is...
When you are so exhausted from the semester as a whole, and then you have to deal with finals week too
It's the last class of the semester, and you're teacher asks if anyone has any questions and you're just like...
When you just pulled an all-nighter and your mom calls, worried.
When your friends say they aren't going to finals, and they're just going to wing it.
And Izzy just reminds us all of the one thing that really matters...
But just when you thought you aced that final, your professor posts the grades but you don't have anymore worries because
...just one more week until I'm free... #RIPgradesof2017