Dear Graduating Seniors,
In a few short weeks, you will be all donned up in your caps and gowns and cords, ready to receive a piece a paper that you put four (or more) long, hard years into to get. They say that college is the best years of your life and I’m a firm believer in that idea. You’re about to leave to go off and live your life out in the real world. You’ll be leaving friends, professors, littles, g-littles, roommates, your school and a lifetime of memories.
For some, it’s exciting, shiny and new. For others, it’ll be one of the hardest goodbyes.
For us who still have a few more years of college, we’re emotional as well. We don’t want you to leave! (I think I cried over graduating seniors about 17 times already) If it was up to us, we’d jump up on that stage when your name is called and interject you walking across. But you have to make that walk. And we can’t stop you but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to stop us from loudly cheering you on and possibly making obnoxious signs expressing out love for you!
You are about to enter the workforce. Some graduating seniors already have a job lined up and will start the week after graduation. For others, they’re headed off to Grad School for more classes and knowledge. Others still, don’t have any idea what they’re doing but that’s ok. You will figure it out eventually. Until then, enjoy your post-grad life!
Please don’t forget us once you’re gone! You are always welcomed to come back and crash on my couch. Come back for football games, tailgates, birthdays and just-because visits. While I’d rather keep you around, I only wish you the best once you receive your hard-earned diploma.
But let’s be honest, y'all have been ready to leave since the first day of the first semester. So many seniors have major senioritis. They’re ready to GTFO. Margarita Mondays, Tequila Tuesdays, Wine Wednesdays, Thirsty Thursdays and Freaky Fridays all have a new and very true meaning once you hit second-semester senior year. It’s important to turn-up every moment possible before you graduate and go into the real world where grown-ups don’t twerk in clubs and buy pitchers of beer every night at the club.
Watching you all graduate and go your separate ways makes me nostalgic, sad, proud and excited for you. In one short year, I’ll be in your same position, walking across that stage. But as for this year, I want to thank you for teaching me life lessons, being there when I needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to talk to, laugh with and grab dinner with. Thank you for being my friend and someone who has made a permanent influence on me. I wish you all the best. Go out and make your mark on the world but don’t forget where you came from (and us. Please, please, please don’t forget us because it’s impossible to forget you.)
Happy Graduation,
Your Friend Who Isn’t Graduating Yet.