To every loved one of someone who is hurting because of the new President, I urge you to stop and listen. I don't care about your political views; I want you to try and understand. Don't you dare tell them to get over it.
Your loved ones are scared. Once again, someone is in power who wants to take away their rights. This isn't being stubborn; this isn't being sore losers. This is terror. And these protests across the country, these Womens Marches, are a way for everyone to know they are not alone.
Do you remember when you told your loved one they could be anything and do anything they wanted? When they were little, you sat them on top of your shoulders, telling them that they could reach the stars if they wanted to.
Well, now we have some men in power trying to make that impossible. We have men objectifying women, and making it the societal norm. How would you feel if the woman that Donald Trump was caught on tape describing wanting to sexually assaultwas your loved one? Trump discussed, "Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."
You would be enraged, right? Furious? Disgusted? Well we are. And we are scared that society has accepted this. We're pissed. And we are hurt.
Yes, Donald Trump is our President. I am not living in a state of denial. I know this, but I don't have to like it. I will never understand why certain rich, white men think they are entitled to women's bodies. So, we will protest. We will stand up. We will fight the patriarchy. We will ally with our friends of color, our friends of the LGBTQIA community, our immigrant friends, and everyone else Trump has made feel unsafe.
Trump, you are my President. I don't like you. I hope these ridiculous threats that got you into power all disappear. But we want you to know, you won't have an easy four years. You won't take away the rights of anyone and everyone who doesn't look exactly like you. We promise.
A Nasty Woman