Hello, Beautiful.
Yeah, I'm talking to you.
And yes I called you beautiful even though I don't know who you are.
You know why I said that?
Because it's true.
Get this:I am fat.
I am out of shape.
I am smart.
I am awkward.
I am shy.
I am a loner.
I am a Christian.
I am me.
I am enough.
Every single statement that is listed above is true about me. I am every one of those adjectives. But the thing is, there are a million adjectives in the English language, and probably half of them fit a single person. It is up to you to choose which ones you allow to be attached to your name.
That's right. I get to choose the words used to describe me.
Don't let your parents tell you, you aren't good.
Don't let your boyfriend or girlfriend tell you, you aren't beautiful.
Don't let your teacher tell you, you aren't smart.
Don't let anyone attach any adjective to your name that is anything less than you deserve.
In fact, the only adjective you should ever use to describe yourself is enough.
And I don't mean enough as in "I'll settle for you."
I mean enough as in "You are so much to me that you complete my entire life. I don't need anything else because you are enough to make me the happiest person in this world."
I mean enough as in "You're going to be something great someday. You're just enough to change this world."
I mean enough as in "I don't know how anyone could be any more beautiful than you."
Choose the adjectives you want to be known for.
You aren't fat.
You aren't ugly.
You aren't weird.
You aren't stupid.
You're smart.
You're beautiful.
You're perfect the way you are.
You're exactly who you're supposed to be.
You're enough.
Because you deserve everything in life. You deserve enough to make you happy.
When you can feel your self-confidence sink to the bottom of your shoes, remember you are enough.
When your significant other breaks up with you, basically breaking you in the process, remember you are enough.
When your parents criticize what you're doing or the plan you have for your future, remember you are enough.
No one can tell you what your worth is. You are more precious than any jewel on this earth. You're worthy of every good thing that happens to you.
Don't let anyone steal you're "enough."
Don't you dare settle for less than you deserve. Do you hear me? If you aren't so over the moon happy about something, LEAVE IT ALONE. Life is too dang short to spend all of your time wishing someone treated you better or a situation was going better.
Make your life what you want it. Choose to have enough. To love enough. To smile enough. To learn enough. To do enough. To BE enough.
Because, beautiful girl, you are just enough.