"I love school!" said no one ever. Except for me.
For as long as I can remember, I've enjoyed school. I loved going to school, seeing my friends, and most importantly, filling my time with meaningful learning. School gave me the opportunity to establish a routine outside of home, learn how to problem solve, and apply my newfound knowledge to real life situations.
Now, college is a different story. Everyone loves college, but not everyone loves college classes. They're beyond hard regardless of your major, there's tons of studying to do each day, and a lot of free time to manage wisely.
But for me, the daily schedule of where I need to be and when keeps me in line. Each night before bed, I pack my belongings for the following day, take a look at my planner and write an hourly task list on a sheet from my notepad. Yes, it sounds crazy OCD and extremely Type A, but it's what works for me. I'm my absolute best when I'm busy and my schedule is filled - when you have less free time to work with, you learn to make the most of every hour in your day.
Besides the routine that school life gives me, I genuinely enjoy learning and studying. I'm not saying that I'm always in the mood to sit in the library for hours on end cranking out papers and making study guides because that's definitely not true. I dread the idea of studying for exams just as much as the next person.
I enjoy school in all its aspects: the learning, the environment, the friends, the fun times and memories, and the hours spent at the library. College only lasts a short four years, so we should make the most of it - both inside and outside the classroom.