In the recent presidential race, Republican nominee Donald Trump made some astounding comments about women and late-term abortions. Trump made the scientifically incorrect comment that a baby can simply be “ripped from the womb” days before birth. Although this is an extremely rare occurrence, (only1 percent of abortions are performed at or after 21 weeks in the U.S.), Trump’s comments are bound to be repeated as fact. Trump’s comments were vile and infuriating, because women who do have to go through with late-term abortions must do so for the health of themselves or because their babies would live in extreme pain or with disabilities if carried to term. Many mothers who must go through these abortions experience extreme heartbreak and PTSD.
In light of Trump’s comments, women have come forward to tell the stories of their late-term abortions, and sadly, how it was the worst thing that ever happened to them. One woman, Alyson Draper, detailed her experience, which has been shared many times already. She was already a mother of six, and when her health was threatened by her baby’s birth defect, her and her husband chose to end the pregnancy at 22 weeks. You can read her whole story here.
Another story I saw was shared onto my Facebook timeline (you can read it here). It was a beautiful, young couple that discovered their baby girl had tumors growing on her lungs, brain and heart. This couple knew their baby would not make it to term, and they decided to make a decision as a family to end the pregnancy. They were told by multiple doctors that the baby would not make it to full term, but people are still giving this brave couple insane amounts of backlash. Backlash that includes Trump’s incorrect comments. Ignorant people are using his ignorant comments as insults to hurt already broken families that are trying to recover from tragedy. Many women have followed suit, desiring to tell their stories, despite the backlash. Some of the backlash these women have been experiencing can be seen below, but be warned there are profanities.
This is a huge issue that the Republican nominee has created. Those comments are horrific, and stand in stark contrast to the thousands of other comments, which are all supportive and loving. I try to look at the bright side of things like this. Yes, the bright side of late-term abortions is not great, but these women are so brave, sharing their stories publicly, being transparent about their experiences. These women have given other women, who may feel ashamed or scared, the ability to make the decision that’s right for their family and no one else’s.
These women sharing their stories shows uneducated people like Trump that sometimes, in the worst cases, late-term abortions are the only way, and that is none of his or the government’s business. These women show unity, poise and insane amounts of grace, and I commend them for their bravery. These women come from all different backgrounds, including religious ones that supported their decisions in ending these pregnancies. Nobody likes abortions -- least of all the women that have to experience them. However, that doesn’t mean that they aren’t necessary, and it certainly doesn’t mean that Trump should continue spreading “facts” that are quite simply the opposite of that.