5 things to try in 2017:
#1. Actually keep your New Year's resolution:
Yes we know it's unlikely, but hey, why not make a real effort to follow through?
#2. Ditch the whole "no new friends" mantra:
Personally I've always thought this was kind of a dumb idea. I understand that people want loyalty and long lasting friendships, but there's billions of humans on this planet....you really don't want to be friends with ANYONE new...??? You could be missing out on the Michael to your Dwight, the Rachel to your Monica, the Drogon to your Khaleesi?!
#3. Make a bucket list:
Okay, now I dare you to do at least three things on it by next year.
#4. Learn a skill that's completely new:
Whether it's a language, crocheting (a personal favorite), learning a new instrument, or whatever else you can think of, challenge yourself.
#5. Smile more:
As cheesy as it sounds, this is one of those things that can help you get through a lot of difficult things. The year is going to be filled with ups and downs, but if you genuinely try to end each day with a smile on your face, you'll already be one step ahead of the bad times.
Attributes: giphy.com