Doing things in college is seen as something temporary. You can rediscover yourself in college multiple times and no one will blink an eye. You can come to college as your high school self and come out with something completely different. That's the point of college.
It's about meeting new people, wanting to do things that you wouldn't see yourself doing but doing it anyway, and trying to better yourself every day of this first step to adulthood.
Here are some of things I've done (or I want to do) that I thought would make a good bouquet list.
Yes, I said bouquet list, and if you don't know what that is, that's the first thing you need to do: figure out where I got that reference from and then getting the reference. You won't regret it.
1. Expand your palate
Let’s be real, we are never going to be this open in having food in our lives. Take advantage of this and go out and try different cause the food that you have now will shape your palate for the future years.
2. Try different music genres
My musicology TA literally said that the music you listen to in your early twenties shapes your music taste for the rest of your life so be careful while listening to too much Ariana Grande. I don't know why she's warning us about Ariana in particular, but the sentiment remains. Look at different genres because this is a critical time for us in terms of music.
3. Friends will be there for you but do you want them to?
It is said that a person is the reflection of their 5 most closest companions so get your magnifying glass and scrutinize your company. Is this who you want to see yourself as? The point of college is to be in an environment with so many different people so go talk to the people around you, you might find someone you don't think you click with but do. Making different friends from outside of your established friend group can tell you so much about yourself and your preferences of people you want in your life.
4. If it’s not a good decision, it’s bound to be a good story
I know you don't think it's a good decision because you are stressed because of a test but honestly, this time won't come back again. YOLO, am I right? When you look back, you will want memories to fondly remember.
This is sponsored by my own limited experiences but I think that regardless if you think this list is ridiculous or not, it is definitely true that college should be a time of open-mindedness in all as-Ed's of your life. Who knows who you are going to turn out to be? Being able to be open about these changes is an admirable trait.