Hey Dad,
I miss you a lot. It's weird not having you bang on my door to wake me up or bother me about cleaning my room. I promise I am going to class on time and that my dorm doesn't look like a bomb went off. I am remembering to do my laundry and I always change out the lint filter. I am eating three meals a day and all of them include fruits and vegetables. My homework is getting turned in on time and I am going to my professor's office hours. I always pay attention to my surroundings and I am making good choices. I'm patient and kind and I do my best to not let the bad days bring me down.
There's a lot of things I wish you were here for. I wish you were waiting for me when I get back from class so I can rant to you about how ridiculous my teacher is. I wish you were here to meet me for lunch every now and then so I can talk to you about the annoying girls who live down the hall. I wish you were here when my sorority feels too overwhelming. I especially wish you were here when I get homesick or have a bad day. I guess a phone call, or two, or three, will have to do.
Thank you for teaching me to be prepared for this big campus. Thank you for teaching me to be quick to forgive and slow to anger. Thank you for teaching me to think before I speak and listen before I assume. Thank you for reminding me that I am never alone no matter how lonely I may feel. Thank you for teaching me about consequences and making sure I understood that my choices will lead to them, good or bad. Thank you for teaching me about the UGA campus and making sure I knew where everything was. Thank you for teaching me how to call the Dawgs on game day.
I promise that I am going to make you proud. I promise to keep going to class every day even when it's raining and cold. I promise to study for all my exams even if the teacher doesn't make sense. I promise to not let every inconvenience be the end of the world. I promise to smile at people and be a friend when I am needed. I promise not to let someone or something ruin my day. I promise to make good choices even when everyone else is not. I promise to say the serenity prayer. I promise to call home.
Your Daughter