When we first started working together, I was the newest to join the staff and sort of intimidated about making friends. I've always found it important to be friends with the people you work with because you end up spending most of your time together anyway. You might as well try to make the most of it, right? In the beginning, I knew I was going to enjoy working with the both of you because you laughed at everything I said and offered to share with me some leftover dessert a customer didn't want. From then on, we were thick as thieves, dragging each other through the long Friday night shift.
I'd never been a part of a group of friends who made me feel like I belonged with them so much until we started spending time together. Now, we arrange our schedules so that we have at least one free night a week to bond outside of work. A year ago, we had no idea who each other were, and now I couldn't imagine my life or work without both of you.
It's just so peculiar how the universe places people in and out of our lives with no explanation, and somehow it all ends up making perfect sense.
I've waited my whole life to have friendships like these. Looking back on my youth, I think of the friendships I've lost and mourned. I think of all the birthday parties and sleepovers I was excluded from. I think of all the time I spent just hoping and praying for God to send me friends who just wanted me around. It absolutely broke my heart. I see now that a lot of the loneliness I experienced when I was younger has made me appreciate the friendships and relationships I've made as an adult all the more. I reflect on the pain of feeling unwanted and left-out, and I relish in the fact that I've found my people.
Being a part of this trio has meant more to me than any stupid sleepover that I didn't get an invite to did. You've both shown me the love and acceptance that I so desperately wanted for years in just a matter of months. You've fixed my broken heart and shown me how to be a great friend, and for these reasons, I'm forever grateful to both of you.
We may not always work together, but I will be forever grateful that we had the chance to. The bond we've built between the three of us is made of the kind of love I think everyone deserves. That unconditional, "couldn't imagine my life without you" kind of love that can heal broken hearts and make the bad days a little bit better.
So thank you both, for having the most beautiful souls and gentle hearts I've ever come across. Thank you for making me feel loved, wanted, and included without a second thought. I love you girls beyond fathom.
Us forever.