We all know what happens when the year comes to an end, and the brink of a new one is upon us. A year with new beginnings, unlimited opportunities, and a fresh start to life.
Then, of course at the end of the year you wonder why the year went like every other year, and why you feel the need to start over again.
To a better year: let’s make this year so great that we don’t need to start over, or reset when the new year comes. Let’s make it so great that we feel full of happiness, and fulfilled with the year that is now over.
Go to the gym every week like you said you wanted to, reach that promotion that you’ve been wanting to reach. The main problem is selling ourselves short when we don’t need to. Yes a new year is full of hopes, and goals to achieve but why not actually do it.
George Washington didn’t become the first president by saying that he wanted to make a difference. He got up and made the difference.
2018, the year to speak up and be who you want to be.
1. Make this year more about others, and less about yourself.
The more effort you put into helping people, the more you will get back in return. “Karma comes full circle”... well yeah, it does. Doing things for the benefit of others is proven to boost your own happiness. Find somewhere to volunteer at a few hours a week, and do something for the world. If everyone did this, could you imagine the type of society we would be in.
2. Stop relying on other people.
My saying is and will always be “if you want something done right do it yourself.” If you won the lottery, would you even let your closest friend go pick up the money for you? Not saying success isn't achieved without help from others... but do not be surprised if the result from a situation doesn't turn out the way you wanted when you didn't take any control over it.
3. Buy Less, Do More.
Life is short. As cliche as it sounds, memories really do last forever. Any item you buy will go missing, lost, or you’ll have moved on to the next thing and have replaced it. Making memories that last forever, and building bonds between your friends and families is what matters most. Think outside the box and do things you’ve always wanted to do. Put aside a money jar and every 10 you have put inside, and eventually you’ll have a whole trip.
4. Push your limits.
Don’t think you’ll have time for that extra class? Or you don’t think you can handle a few extra hours at work? Make time, and open your mind to see all that you can do. A person can’t see all of their capabilities until they are put in a situation where they have to. The results will pay off when you add extra responsibility onto yourself.
So cheers to you, and endless possibilities in the new year.