Thank you so much for being there through everything! You really have had to put up with a lot. From crying of laughter to real tears from heartbreak, you have seen it all. I am so glad we have moved past the point of being "good" friends of best friends, and into an unbreakable bond of sisterhood. I cannot tell you how thankful I am to have you. I know sometimes I can be difficult, but you have always stuck around.
Throughout the years, you have seen me grow into a different person and I have see you all grow into the perfect ladies you have become. We have had some crazy adventures and have formed unforgettable memories from staying up at all hours of the night to jamming to the radio on road trips. I will forever appreciate all of these times and the many more that are sure to come.
We act just like sisters do. We argue, get mad, and make up again. We defend each other against others because, though we can be mean to each other, no one else can. We always tell each other when one of us has made a mistake.
You have always provided an outlet for me to talk about my problems and vent about school, boy drama, and the many, many other things I have come to you to talk about. I am lucky to be a person that you have come to trust and feel comfortable telling me about everything going on in your life. Though we may not always be together, we have been able to stay very close and have conquered the distance that has caused others to drift away.
I know that we will forever stay friends. Though times may get rough, you will always be someone that I can count on. Because we have made it this far, I am confident in the strength of our friendship. I am grateful for the positive influence you have had on my life, as I hope I have had in yours. Though many friends come and go, you will always be a constant in my life.