I just really want to say thank you.
You do not realize how much I appreciate you. Even when we don't talk for weeks I know that I can go to you with all of my problems. You are such a great listener, and you don't let people mess with me. You're willing to do whatever I need you to, and I am forever grateful for that.
You save me from myself. There have been so many times when I just felt like giving up, but you didn't let me. You helped me pick myself up off the ground. I wouldn't be here today if it weren't for you.
You've helped me grow and learn to love myself as a person. I have developed such a strong sense of self-love and I know not to settle for anything less than I deserve. I couldn't have done that without you. We have grown so much together over the years and I know that we will always have a special bond. Even if we move away from each other and don't stay in contact, I know that I will always have a friend in you.
Memories of our adventures together will forever be some of my favorites. I can never forget all that you have done for and with me.
I know that I can be a lot to handle sometimes, but you've never seemed to care. You have always loved me for who I am, quirks and all. We have shared our deepest and darkest secrets, and we have had our fights. These moments made us stronger, both as individuals and as best friends. We've gossiped about boys, gone on adventures, and lied for each other. You are the person I know I can trust with absolutely anything.
Everyone needs that person and I'm glad I've found you.
There have been more than one of you over my 18 years on this Earth and this a thank you to every single one of you.
Thank you for being a great best friend. Thank you for being you.