Little dots of light in the sky, hot spheres of gas in space, lonely giants shining down.
I know what you're made of.
I can tell what temperature you are, where you are, how old you are, why you shine.
I look up to the sky and know everything about you and envy you.
To emulate you, that is my wish.
I want to shine my light like you do.
I want to make people marvel at how bright my light is.
I want my light to shine so brightly that people see it for years after I'm gone.
Not to be a ball of hot gas, but to shine down on the world,
To shine on those that love the light, and on those that never see it,
To be a bright light in someone's life,
To be seen.
My light would shine on everyone and be appreciated, remembered.
People would know my name and what I'm made of.
People would see me and admire me;
People would envy me.
But I'm not. I'm not a star. I'm not a shiny pinpoint way up in the sky.
I'm down on Earth where people can pass by my light and never truly see it.
I'm drowned out by those that shine brighter than me.
I'm covered with a heavy cloth and can't shine through it.
And all I can do is try.
Try to shine on one person.
Try to brighten those around me.
Try to be a star.