Well, ladies and gentleman, I am finally throwing my hat into the PC ring. I know I am a little bit late, however, I never like typing anything without looking at all the facts. I do this because I don’t want to seem like a complete jerk on this online platform because the internet will have my ass. Anyway, the question that I bring to you — my viewers — is "Are we too PC?" For those of you who don’t know, that term is Politically Correct, which is basically saying things in a more tactful way, or a more accepted way. While on paper it’s a pretty good idea, good ideas on paper do not always translate well to the real world.
For some reason, there is this amazing tug of war going on in society. On one side you have some of the old vanguards who wish to say anything and everything (a little bit of a gross simplification, but you guys will understand), on the other you have those who want to guard against the greatest weapons of all…words (another oversimplification). These two battling forces have been debating the big PC problem so much that it’s almost a played-out issue. Now at this point, I imagine some of you are saying, “Hey what’s wrong with trying to say things tactfully? Isn’t it good if we are taking people’s feelings into account?” Well, random reader, you are not wrong. However, there is a strong possibility that we are going to go down a slippery slope.
This whole PC argument has led to another little debate, are we as a society getting too soft. Personally, I think we are walking a very fine line. We are paying too much attention to people’s feelings. It’s good that we are taking into account the different experiences and trigger warnings. Let’s be inclusive and tolerant, although sometimes, feelings cannot be spared. Sometimes a message needs to be delivered and it can’t be delivered tactfully. We live in a world where feelings will get hurt, and some don’t care about feelings. I know a lot of people who do their best not to offend others, but that leads to a bigger problem because the message is not delivered clearly.
Feelings have their time and place, and that place is with people who care more about your feelings than anything else (your friends and family). In the era that we live in, we do not sacrifice our feelings and own personal pride for the higher good or results. Sometimes, if you are not living up to a standard, you need to be called out in a direct way. Words hurt. Do we need to pay a little attention to people’s feelings? Yes. Does everyone have the right to feel offended and demand everyone pay attention to their feelings? No. It is something that can’t be done, with everyone trying to dictate what can and can’t be said, we are running down a bad road. We can’t be a society that tries to focus on every word that is said. In the end, all I can say is try not to be a jerk. Don’t go out of your way to offend people, however, don’t complain if you are slightly offended. People will stop caring eventually.