adjective flu·id \ˈflü-əd\
Simple Definition of fluid
- : capable of flowing freely like water
- —used to describe something that can change easily or that changes often
- : having or showing a smooth and easy style
[Source: Merriam-Webster's Learner's Dictionary]
I'm gonna tell you right now, it's as easy as it sounds.
I am learning in my journey to finding my own inner peace that the more you wrestle against change, the more it comes to slap you in the face. We are a gender of strong, powerful, beautiful, women who at times, forget that being mobile is the best state to be in.
Here, Let me explain.
As a woman, it can be confusing on where we fit into the grand scheme of it all. We are the leaders of the family who sometimes hide in the shadows of role clarity. We are the warriors, the survivors, and the shoulder to cry on. I have witnessed many women fall into a pattern of what they think is expected of them versus who they actually should be. My best advice to this group of vigilantes is this:
Let. It. Flow.
You have to be flexible.
So many of us fall into a way of life, a way that makes sense for the time being. But lest we forget that as humans, it is our job to be adaptable. It's in our DNA! We shouldn't ever stick to one script just because it is paying the bills.
I urge you to find something you aren't familiar with that sparks your interest and just dive in. I encourage you to put your phone away (after reading this article, of course.) and actually communicate with someone you don't know (for those sarcastic hat wearing people, someone who doens't send you into red flag mode) on your next adventure out of the house. I promise you that once you start expanding your social circle, you will feel one hundred percent different.
You will feel one hundred percent better, too.
You have to be open.
The key to a successful person is their ability to overcome any obstacle that is in their midst. Sometimes that means dodging a bullet via dropping a friend, or helping someone in need without receiving anything in return.
The most important thing to remember though, especially being a woman, is the fact that not everyone is going to agree with you. Not everyone is going to like you, appreciate you, or even care about you enough to give you the time of day.
And that is okay.
In your new journey to becoming a fluid soul, you will realize that it doesn't honestly matter, as cliché as it sounds. You can't expect the world to fall at your feet. It's simply not how it works. You need to remember that you are better than it and you need to maintain the mindset that you have already overcome it.
If you appear cool, calm, and collected all of the time, pretty soon you actually will be.
Practice makes perfect! As a woman, we are subject to a huge amount of stress and sometimes it starts as early as us waking up in the morning. You got the career, the kids, the spouse, the car payment, the groceries, suddenly becoming a leader of a book club, I mean the list goes on and on. I know from experience the more I utilized the coined term "Fake it til you make it" in my daily life, the more I actually felt like I was making it and not even close to feigning composure. Now, I'm not saying it's a perfect science, because life truly does love throwing experiences your way that you never thought you'd even be stretching a smile for, but the pay off is tremendous.
[- Note: Maintain an outlet of communication during your adventure down the "Faking it ti you make it" brick road. It is absolutely healthy to feel the need to just let it all out to a friend or family member. Nothing wrong with that!]
Okay: Let's Recap:
Being fluid in all you do is about being adaptable. It is about being open to change and to your critics. It is about remaining true to who you are as your anchor. Despite what you may think, throwing on a smile during a time you deemed necessary to rip your hair out will benefit you in the long run. It will teach you do go with the flow, to be fluid.
And really, being fluid in all you do this day in age is truly your best bet.