I work at a movie theater, so, as I'm sure you can imagine, I've heard my fair share of movie opinions. As the saying goes, 'Opinions are like armpits. Everyone has them, and they all stink." And for some reason everyone has very particular opinions when it comes to movies, and everyone loves to share them, even when their opinion is unneeded and unwarranted. Every movie ever created has been met with some form of criticism. We wouldn't live in the Hollywood society if the movie industry didn't play some role in our lives and interests. Hollywood doesn't run our lives, but it does affect them on a very real level. So when it comes to the nearing release of the new "female" "Ghostbusters" movie, one can imagine the responses from dedicated "Ghostbusters" fans. This new movie, despite not even being released yet, has been met with outrage from original "Ghostbusters" fans and men alike.
If the sole reason, you are refusing to see the new "Ghostbusters" movie is because of their all-female leads, then you need to reevaluate your thinking. Why does having female leads in a movie reboot automatically dismiss the movie as being a potentially good movie? If anything, we should judge the movie on how it actually ends up as a whole, not based on the gender of the lead characters. Gender should not define how something is to be received. I understand the feelings of fans. You might be apprehensive about how this reboot will go over, but I don't think that apprehensiveness is reason enough to deny the fact that this movie could stand on its own. It has some big shoes to fill by continuing the "Ghostbusters" franchise, but it might just be up to the task.
We simply can't set this movie aside for face value. This movie is so important. People do not realize the impact that representation in the media can have on young people, especially young girls. "Ghostbusters" is giving us strong, female characters in the STEM fields. This will be a movie that many parents will most likely bring their kids to. Little girls everywhere are going to see these funny, intelligent female leads in a huge Hollywood blockbuster! When we have strong, talented, and hilarious people as the leads of a movie, I know I get excited. That's what this movie is bringing to the table: four successful, funny, kick-ass females, and a Hemsworth! I don't think people are realizing the goldmine that is this film.
So why can't we just appreciate this upcoming "Ghostbusters" movie for what it is: a modern day tribute to the classic 80s film that so many people hold dear in their hearts still to this day? If you have some hesitation when it comes to your opinion on this movie, at least wait until you see the movie to judge it.
Let me end this with a story. As I've told you already, I work at a movie theater. A few weeks ago, a little girl and her mom came in to see a movie. But while looking at the showtimes of our movies, they realized that "Ghostbusters" hadn't been released, yet. The little girl was upset because she had really wanted to see "Ghostbusters." Maybe she had seen the original "Ghostbusters," maybe she hadn't, but what mattered is that there was a movie coming out that had someone as the lead that she could relate to. A movie that she could get excited about because she could more easily imagine herself as the main character of the story, not a sidekick or some token add-on to appeal to a wider audience, but the protagonist. If you think that that's not the coolest thing, then I don't believe that you're thinking hard enough.